Valuation Research Group Argentina
Valuation Research GroupArgentina

R. Biasca & Asociados is a small and prestigious Argentine consulting firm that built its initial reputation with its work in the business transformation field. It has been in the VRG since the very beginning (1995). There is no single country in Continental Latin America in which the firm has not worked. The main competitive advantages are international best practices, knowledge of Latin American culture, international contacts, and a four-decade history of delivering value to clients.

History (1976-2025)

The 70’s and 80’s
R. Biasca & & Asociados is a boutique Argentine consulting firm that built its reputation with its work in the Organizational Improvement and Change field. Rodolfo Biasca is one of the “Argentine management gurus.” His book “Productivity” gave him publicity in the '80s, and his books “Resizing” and “Change Management” were best-sellers in Latin America in the '90s. A new, updated set of three new books were published in 2000 and reprinted in 2004. During the year 2005, a reduced version in one volume was published in the US as a book and e-book. There is no Spanish-speaking author who has published so extensively on the subject.
The firm
has been involved in consulting and management training since 1972. More than 120 companies in Argentina and other countries can provide references.

The 90’s
Strategic alliances were formed. Since 1995 it belongs to the Valuation Research Group providing valuation consulting services in business transaction projects. 
After 1990, an aggressive expansion began in Latin America, with special emphasis on Executive Education. There is no single country in Continental Latin America in which the firm has not worked.

Years 2000 to 2010
In the Third Millennium important events took place:

  • R. Biasca joins the Argentine Academy of Engineering in the year 2000 and joins the Pan-American Academy of Engineering in 2002. Both are significant professional recognition.
  • In the year 2002, R.Biasca & Associates Inc. was created in the USA.
  • R.Biasca expands his activity as an educator, teaching executive seminars and graduate courses all around Latin America.
  • A growing list of clients in Mexico and Central America is being serviced. For example, the World Bank contracted R.Biasca to make a Reengineering Proposal for the water public company in Honduras (SANAA).
  • Important local companies in Latin America continue to call for help in performance improvement or restructuring projects. Examples: Coexito/Mac (Colombia, 2007), Grupo Cartellone (Argentina, 2008).

Years 2010-2025

During the last decade, the firm has decided to its activities in valuations, M&As, and international business, since the Valuation Research Group continues to expand. Recently, it added advisory services in the field of Environmental Social Governance (ESG).

The Argentine office remains active with local clients, but the activity is more international (See the client list). In 2024, R. Biasca published three books in English on Buainess Transformation.

Strategic Orientation

Links - Nexos

Visit these sites:

* VRG  (English).

* VRG  (Español)

* VRC (English)



  • Fusiones y Adquisiciones de Empresas
  • Alianzas Estratégicas con Empresas de Otros Países.
  • ESG (Environmental Social Governance)
  • Financiamiento Internacional de Proyectos.
  • Reestructuración Financiera.
  • Tasación de Activos Tangibles.
  • Valuación de Activos Intangibles.
  • Propiedad Intelectual.
  • Opiniones
  • Precios de transferencia.
  • Valuaciones para Conflictos Legales
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© R.Biasca & Asoc. Inc. (Valuation Research Group. Argentina Member).