Valuation Research Group Argentina
Valuation Research GroupArgentina

Strategic Orientation

Biasca & Associates has always been in a field that we can call by different names: “improvement,” “change,” "business transformation,” and “organizational effectiveness.” The general purpose is to move the client closer to the “best international practices.” Academics and consultants use these terms to label the effort companies make to adjust to new environments and obtain better results.

Services have changed over the years, but the general strategic orientation has been the same.

Our competitive advantages are our experience with international best practices, knowledge of Latin American culture, international contacts, and 50-year history of delivering value to our clients.

To be an excellent management consulting company in America, in the practice of competitiveness improvement

To assist clients in improving their business results


Core principles

  • Independence and Work Ethics
    As consultants, we maintain independence from third parties, especially when decisions about suppliers or other vendors need to be made
  • Objectivity
    The advice we provide takes into account all opportunities and risks
  • Competence
    We only provide advice in areas in which we have proven expertise
  • International Orientation, Updated-Knowledge.                                                               We try to suggest creative and practical solutions, using up-dated knowledge and an international perspective.
  • Confidentiality
    We treat all of the knowledge and information gained during the consulting process with the utmost confidentiality

Links - Nexos

Visit these sites:

* VRG  (English).

* VRG  (Español)

* VRC (English)



  • Fusiones y Adquisiciones de Empresas
  • Alianzas Estratégicas con Empresas de Otros Países.
  • ESG (Environmental Social Governance)
  • Financiamiento Internacional de Proyectos.
  • Reestructuración Financiera.
  • Tasación de Activos Tangibles.
  • Valuación de Activos Intangibles.
  • Propiedad Intelectual.
  • Opiniones
  • Precios de transferencia.
  • Valuaciones para Conflictos Legales
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© R.Biasca & Asoc. Inc. (Valuation Research Group. Argentina Member).